On working, even in passing, with Waterfront Concerts

We worked with Rock Row to create a promotional video about the development last year. We also spoke out about Alex Gray last year—and demonstrated at city hall against his continued work in the city—having heard the claims of a women who says he brutalized her.

We are sorry to have not caught the association earlier, but we were—along with many others—disgusted to realize Gray maintains a luxurious and high profile career in music here in Greater Portland and that part of that work is associated with the Rock Row development we created promotional materials for in the middle of 2018. 

We have let all involved know that we will not be continuing to work on this project as long as Gray is involved, and we dearly hope that all other contractors in our position will follow suit. Consumers, contractors and local business people have an incredible amount of agency and power in situations like this. Again, we are sorry we did not catch this association earlier but with human rights and “not being a dick” being of our primary values, we cannot continue to support Gray even in passing. 

Knack Factory